Gone fishing!

One day Christian and his buddy (whom lives in our neighborhood) got out their fishing poles and tackle boxes and headed down to the lake. I thought it was so cute I had to make them wait while I ran in and grabbed my camera. I think I thoroughly embarrassed Christian with my excitement but I couldn't help it. After his trip from the lake he came back super excited about catching his first fish! I think he told everyone he talked to for at least a week about it all!

Just thought I would post some updates on Christian randomly. He is an awesome kid as if everyone didn't already know! He is doing great at school here in Minnesota. He has made some really great friends at school, church and home. He recently received the Aaronic priesthood and does such a great job passing sacrament at church. I can't help but be really proud to see him do such a great job each Sunday. He is now a boy scout and has some great friends already in Young Men's. He has even made some big plans for snowboarding this winter with some of them. He takes really great care of his dog, Rascal and has pretty much assumed responsibility totally for him. I don't think he is going to like that come winter since he is the one that wakes up early in the mornings to take him for potty breaks (now that we are minus an official backyard)! And lastly, he always takes out the trash for me (which I am mentioning right now because he was sick all week and I realized that he does some jobs that I really appreciate him for namely dog walking and trash taking).

Lastly I wanted to write down something I recorded in my journal that Christian said recently that pretty much made my week...

     Christian is an observant child whenever he isn't being hyper and rambunctious. He really does have a pretty deep side that not everyone gets to see. One day we were driving somewhere together and he looked over at me and said, "It's okay Mom, you'll get through it". He tends to notice people's feelings even if you don't say a word. He just kind of picks up on things and says things you need to hear at the right times. I think it was one of those days where I stayed up late working on school work the night before, went to school, took him to scouts, made dinner, cleaned up messes and just didn't stop all day kind of days. So anyway, I said really? Wondering what was in store. He said, "yeah, you can't live like this forever. Heavenly Father will help you". Then he just matter of factly said, "you will get married again Mom... you are beautiful and you look like you are 20". The whole thing was totally shocking. Sometimes it's hard to realize that through this process my son has grown up and that he is now a young man. I've never heard him even say one thing about my looks. And for a single person raising four children and feeling like I am less of a beautiful person and more of an overworked person it was just what I needed that day and more. I'm so grateful for my children. I know sometimes being a Mom you can feel kind of unappreciated but I'm just so lucky that for the most part I have four really loving and sweet children that make all the hard moments totally worth it. 

So anyway... Christian is doing great, having fun and making good friends and memories. I know our lake theme is getting kind of redundant but it really has been super neat for the kids to have fun experiences so close to home. I'm glad Christian is old enough to go with his friends all by himself just to go catch a fish. It makes me feel totally old thinking I have a twelve year old already but it's also really really neat to watch him grow up into the young man he is becoming. I love you Christian!!
